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Spotlight on Faculty & Staff Giving: Dean Pribbenow

Dean Pribbenow has served Edgewood College as Vice President for Academic Affairs & Academic Dean since 2012. Prior to his current role, Dean served as Dean of the School of Integrative Studies and Faculty Director for the Human Issues Studies Program (predecessor to the COR program).

“I feel my career in higher education has been a calling – and I’m grateful to have had so many opportunities here at Edgewood College. Our mission and the notion of being part of a community is powerful here, and I’m still excited each day to get up and work with and for our students and colleagues.”

In 2014, Dean joined dozens of other faculty and staff members in making a financial pledge to support the construction of East Regina Residence Hall. Over $90,000 was raised from 60 faculty and staff benefactors, helping to bring an additional 110 residence spaces to campus in the new building.

“One of my early career jobs was as a residence hall director, so I can appreciate the sense of community and impact that a residential experience has on a student. I was happy to contribute to a project that made sense as an investment in the future of our student population and their continued success.”

 Dean Pribbenow

Spotlight on faculty and staff giving is a series highlighting employee benefactors and the areas they support. For more information or to participate, contact Contact Mike Sweitzer-Beckman, Advancement Office or 608-663-7718.

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