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Exams are right around the corner and the Library needs your help!

Exams are right around the corner and the Library needs your help!

As in previous semesters, the Library is hosting beverages and snacks for the students during Exam time (December 4-15).

Students truly appreciate these free treats and snacks during this stressful time of year. Please help make the students last two weeks of the semester special and show them your support by donating. These treats are not possible without donations from the Edgewood Community!

Individual donations

We welcome donations that will provide snacks for 50 people. If you don't have time to shop or make treats, please donate money and we will do the shopping!

Department sponsorships

We would like to invite departments to “sponsor” a day of treats. In return for providing treats for 50-100 people, we would give you display space to highlight an upcoming course, major or minor information, or even student job openings!  We could also potentially feature content from sponsoring departments on the library website. As with individual donations, if you do not have time to make or shop for treats, monetary donations are accepted.


Treat suggestions: Granola bars, fruit, homemade or store bought cookies or bars, donuts, string cheese,

individually packaged snacks such as potato chips, cookies, pretzels etc.


If you are willing to help, please contact JULIE at by Friday, December 1st with an idea of which day you would like to donate.

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