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Lost/Found Deadline Extended!

Dear Edgewood Undergrad Artists and Writers!


We get it. It's the beginning of the semester. You're swamped. So, we're extending the submission deadline for LOST/FOUND: Edgewood College’s Undergraduate Creative Arts Magazine until Sunday, January 28th, 2024 at 11:59pm for LOST/FOUND 2024!


Send us your best poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction, artwork, photography, or design work by the deadline so we can get your creative work out to the Edgewood campus community! LOST/FOUND is a co-production of the Edgewood English and Art Departments, edited and designed by undergraduate students.


 *Up to Three poems (Word/.doc format)

 *Up to Fifteen pages of Short Fiction or Creative Non-Fiction (Word/.doc/Double-spaced)

 *Up to Three Pieces of Artwork or Photography (jpg or tiff/300 dpi)


Please send all submissions to:


A Few Important Notes:


-We accept undergraduate submissions only.


-Decisions for inclusion in the magazine will be made by the student editors and designers in early 2024 and you will be notified soon after.


-LOST/FOUND will be in print at the end of Spring Semester 2024 and distributed throughout campus in both physical and digital copies!


-The LOST/FOUND Release Party and Edgewood Writing Awards will be held in late April 2024.


-Questions? Email Advisor Adam

Yrs Truly,


The 2024 Lost/Found Team

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