The College is seeking feedback around student mental health & wellbeing! Please let students know about this upcoming opportunity. Please note that while faculty may offer extra credit for student participation if they wish, we are not able to require students to participate.
Students will receive an email on March 18th to participate in the Healthy Minds Study, which is a 30 minute survey designed to get student feedback on campus mental health and wellbeing. This study is part of the JED Campus Program and results will help inform efforts to improve these aspects of the student experience at Edgewood College. Students who complete the survey will have the chance to win prizes from Edgewood College, including iPads, Beats Headphones, and AirPods. Healthy Minds will also draw names from the national pool to win Visa gift cards.
Students will receive an email reminder weekly through the end of the study in mid-April.
If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the co-leads for the JED Campus Program:
Ferrinne Spector,
Hollie McCrea Olson,
Megan Cobb-Sheehan,