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Cor ad Cor from Dominican LIfe

So much has been, and will continue to be, cancelled,sports events, concerts, plays, worship services, rallies, travel, meetings, classes, family gatherings and so much more.

Love has not been cancelled.
Mercy has not been cancelled.
Prayer has not been cancelled.
Attentiveness has not been cancelled.
Goodness has not been cancelled.
Thanksgiving has not been cancelled.
Kindness has not been cancelled.
Music has not been cancelled.
Conversation has not been cancelled.
Poetry and storytelling have not been cancelled.
Courage has not been cancelled.
Meditation and contemplation have not been cancelled.
Painting and dancing have not been cancelled.
Families have not been cancelled.
Community and solidarity have not been cancelled.
Faith has not been cancelled.
Hope has not been cancelled.
And . . . God’s presence with us has not been cancelled.

David Haas

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