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Dominican Colloquium 2020 has been canceled

The June 2020 Biennial Dominican Colloquium at Edgewood College is canceled.

The Colloquium planning committee makes this decision with heavy hearts yet mindful of uncertainties related to COVID-19 and genuine concern for the health and well-being of all participants. 

Even though the U.S. Dominican Higher Education family will not gather in June 2020 to see more clearly and envision possibilities together, we remain grateful for our shared Dominican mission, and our commitment to care for one another, for people everywhere, and for Earth, our common home. 


“The holy earth. We must take such care of it. It must take such care of us. This side of paradise, we are each of us so nearly all the other has. There is darkness beyond our wildest imagining all around us. Among us there is just about enough light to get by.”  -Frederick Buechner 

-Dominican Colloquium 2020 Committee 

-Mary Ellen Gevelinger, O.P., Ed.D., Interim President 

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