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Co-meditations offered every weekday morning

All are welcome to join in silent co-meditations every weekday between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. in the chapel.  This is once again a Taste of Contemplation.


What are co-meditations?  They are silent, unguided meditations in the company of others.  A faculty/meditator will be “holding the space” for anyone who wants to join them from 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Monday – Friday. The chapel is reserved until 11:00 for those who wish to stay longer and for new arrivers. 


The co-meditations will continue throughout the Fall term.   

Go to the back left corner of the chapel.  No program; just a time to sit quietly and reflect. 

All are welcome to join at any time, whether experienced meditators or not, for all or part of the hour.


Taste of Contemplation is an initiative of Edgewood College Contemplative Campus − intending to highlight and foster contemplative practices around campus. 

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