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Contemplative Classroom Practices to be Shared

Curious how contemplative practices are used in Edgewood College classrooms?  Then put

Monday, October 9,  3:00 – 4:00 PM in Regina R37 on your calendar.

Three faculty members will share the ways they engage students in contemplative activities in the classroom.

Brenda del Moral, E.J. Keeley and Mary Elizabeth Bathum will provide examples of their contemplative classroom practices, why they use them and what they've learned along the way.


Faculty and staff are welcome to this Faculty Collaborative program which is also a Taste of Contemplation*.


As their practices are shared, we will engage in quiet reflection on these questions: 

Ÿ  How can we find creative ways in our own content areas to nurture awareness, insight, and compassion toward self and others?

Ÿ  What challenges do we face?  

Ÿ  How can we support one another's efforts?


*Taste of Contemplation is an initiative of Edgewood College Contemplative Campus − intending to highlight and foster contemplative practices around campus. 

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