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TEST of the Eagle Alert System

Dear Students:

As is our practice, with the start of the semester we will conduct a test of the Eagle Alert 'mass notification' system today, Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017.

You will receive a TEST email, and a TEST text message. You will NOT receive a phone call, as we have moved to an improved system that deploys more rapidly.

The Eagle Alert system is designed to provide notification and instruction to students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency on campus, including severe weather that results in cancellation of classes. The mass notification system will only be used to send critical safety information to the Edgewood College Community.

Please take a moment now to confirm your information is correct in our Eagle Alert System. You will need to log-in. If you recognize your mobile device number (where you will receive the text) no further action is required.

If you have any difficulty with this process, please call TAC at ext. 6900.

Thank you!

-Emergency Management Task Force

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