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Edgewood Engaged / Perfect Pitch Workshop, April 6

With spring comes Edgewood Engaged, and with Edgewood Engaged – in a normal environment – comes our Pitch Competition. We have changed our formats to account for our unusual circumstances this spring. For starters, rather than hosting a "competition", we are focusing on the process and providing opportunities for feedback to students interested in participating and learning about this exciting creative research format. Stipends are available for students and their mentors! The first of our Pitch Perfect workshops will take place on April 6 at 4:30 pm via WEBEX hosted by Dr. Leigh Maxwell: The Proficient Pitch - Mastering Presentation and Communication Skills. If you are interested in this workshop, Edgewood Engaged: Perfect Pitch, please visit our pitch website and sign up using the link found on the perfect-pitch site.

And - watch for additional workshops & more information about Edgewood Engaged and Perfect Pitch will be shared in the coming weeks.

Or email Shad Wenzlaff for information:


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