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THA 370: Directing Class 10 Minute Plays FINAL PRESENTATION

THA 370: Directing Class 10 Minute Plays


Thursday, December 3, 2020  •  2:30 pm

The Wedding Story
by Julianne Homokay

Directed by Shawn Padley

Actors: Sarah Olson; KimberLee Emmerich
& Tygh Field

Everyone loves a bedtime story, but is a “happily ever after” appropriate when it’s not the truth? The couple in this bedtime story don’t think so! See what happens when a loving parent narrates a story that isn’t quite what happened.


There Shall Be No Bottom
(a bad play for worse actors) by Mark O’Donnell

Directed by Veronika Bienvenu-Neville

Actors: Kristina Jin, Alan Lau-brown,
Luke Mohns & Sarah Olson 

Jeff misinterprets his lines, Joe skips large sections of dialogue, Jane tries to hold the production together, and the fourth actor’s stuck in traffic. Poor acting is afoot as three actors and a stage manager attempt to perform a drawing-room drama.


The Man Who Couldn’t Dance 
by Jason Katmis

Actors: Travis Gruna & Danny Swenson

Directed by Rachel Seizer

The Man Who Couldn’t Dance tells a story about regret, lost love, paths not taken, sacrifices for principles, and couple’s struggle with moving on.


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning
by Alex Dremann

Directed by Noelle Grapentine-Benton

Actors: Cassidy Calaway & KimberLee Emmerich 

A mother and daughter sit on the porch, sipping coffee and discussing business. Their business? A high-stakes game of spies and assassins, pitting mother against daughter in a battle of wits that could end in one or both of them dead.


The Witch of Coös
by poet Robert Frost

Directed by Isabel Vreeke

Actors: Charles Payne & Kristina Jin

A short play about a mother and son and their telling of a past infidelity and the personal conflict that comes with.


War and Peace
by Tawfiq Al-Hakim

Directed by Emma Sorenson

Actors: Sean Beyer, Aaron Liu
& Morgaine Schroeder 

A comic allegory by the late Tawfiq Al-Hakim, Egypt’s most famous playwright, considered the father of modern Arabic theater. The story takes place in the boudoir of the seductive Politica, who flirts with her clandestine suitor, Peace, while she is married to War, playing the two against each other in her own game, asking the question, what is the goal of politics today?


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